Thursday 27 October 2011

ENL assignment BaBy DumPing

1. (b) Baby Dumping
2. (a) What do you understand from your readings regarding the issue?

Nowadays, the rate of baby dumping has increased seriously. It has become a hot issue and has been discussed everywhere. This issue always neglected by youth nowadays as they don’t think that a new life is more valuable compares to their reputation. While some of them involve in baby dumping because they can’t afford their expenditure if a new life were born. Those behaviors are really unfair for those new lives that have been born out and they are really innocent. People nowadays should plan properly before they have sex so that unwanted pregnancies can be prevented and the issue of baby dumping can be decreased.

As we all known that, the behavior of baby dumping is illegally  and I believe that there are many actions that have been taken by government but there are still many of them involve in the issue of baby dumping. Of course, the happen of baby dumping is not only because of some reasons such as reputation and their unaffordable to support the infants, lack of sex education among teenagers is also a topic that should be deserved to discuss. With this, sex education is advisable to include in education system since secondary school in order to enable the youth to understand more about this knowledge. Besides, parents also play an important role to let their children understand some of the information of sex education when they started to step into a mature stage. This can reduce the rate of baby dumping among teenagers.

2. (b) Why do you think it occurs? Explain your answer.

There are many reasons that cause baby dumping in this society. One of the reasons that cause baby dumping is the baby dumpers trying to keep their reputation in the society after the baby were born. As long as the baby was born out of wedlock, there will be many criticism and negative perception of the society on the image of that particular person. Most of them will feel stress and they can’t endure the negative perception of the society.  Baby dumping would only the way for them to prevent those negative perceptions.

Due to most of the baby dumpers consists of teenagers who are still studying, they are unable to afford the fees of raising up a baby as they have no ability of working or the salary of their work are not enough to support the baby. Some of baby dumpers have no courage to tell their parents as they afraid their parents will drive them away so they rather keep it silent and this will result in their helpless which will cause them to abandon the baby. Besides, most of them are still in the stage of studying, so they would choose to abandon the baby as they don’t want to affect their bright future. 

Moreover, family problems such as divorce of parents, quarrel between parents and so on always reflect on the behavior of teenagers. When family problem arise, the behavior of teenagers can easily deteriorate as their social life are lack of controlled by the parents. They can do whatever they want if they are lack of control and this result in the increasing rate of baby dumping. While some of the teenagers are trying to catch their parents’ attention as they have neglected by their parents. So that, parents are also important to pay more attention on their children to prevent more cases of baby dumpling happen.

In additions, some of the baby dumpers are led astray by their bad companions. They couldn’t distinguish the result after having the sex while on the other hand; they were encouraged by their bad companion. Besides, lack of sex education of the society is also seriously resulting in the issue of baby dumping. Many of the baby dumpers would like to have sex but they are not willing to have baby. Some of them do not know how to prevent it and they will be involved in baby dumping .This may because they do not understand well or lack of the knowledge of sex education.

2. c (i) Their impacts on society

The issue of baby dumping will bring several negative impacts to our society. First, once the issue of baby dumping goes on constantly and still cannot be handled properly, there will be a bad morale existing in our society. This will result more and more issue of baby dumping happen as they have be accustomed to it and they will think that as a receptacle actions. In contrary, a good morale can be trained as if the phenomena of baby dumping can be reduced. 

In others hand, the increasing rate of baby dumping will bring the corruption of education of society. Offspring which involved in the issue of baby dumping will reveal a bad example for future generations. If the offspring keep on the problem of baby dumping, the future generation would also follow the step of offspring which involved in baby dumping and they would feel like reasonable. This will result in a corrupt education because they are failure to be taught by the offspring.

2. c (ii) Their impacts on nation

Since the increasing of the issue of baby dumping, there will be many negative impacts on nation. First, the image of the nation will be affected. How can I say that? Baby dumping is illegally which equal to a crime and it is strongly opposed by many countries. Once the rate of baby dumping of the nation seriously increase, the nation’s image will be destroyed directly. While the negative image of a nation will lead to a decrease in the tourism of nation as many of foreigners will not willing to travel in a nation which are full of crime. They will try to avoid going some places where the crime such as baby dumping always happens as the have a bad image to that particular nation.

Besides, the issue of baby dumping will also affect the investment of a nation. Due to the increasing rate of baby dumping, many foreigners’ investors will afraid and lose their confidence to invest in the nation and this will lead to a reduce in nation’s income. This will slow down the development of a nation.

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